This week we’ve been filming for our student opera at Laurier–a totally digital production of Poulenc’s Dialogues des Carmelites. I learned the entire role of the Old Prioress (kind of a dream part for a gal of my vintage), initially thinking that I might end up filming some of it myself. Turns out that there isn’t enough time (filming is an exhaustive process), so instead I am acting as a “cover” in case of illness and performing the small, mute role of Soeur Anne de la Croix. I mostly get to manipulate that large piece of fabric in the picture, and illuminate the role of the young artist playing the role of the Prioress (who happens to be my student). Doing this feels like a labour of love, passing on wisdom to the next generation and allowing them to shine. It’s good. Rewarding. I’m just happy to be on the stage and making art with these wonderful young people.
We’re living in colour at last again–rather than each working on our own in a vacuum (or not! working that is…), we are on a stage, even if it’s 4 of us at a time, and we’re making music in real time together. We are bringing back to life these nuns who martyred themselves for their beliefs in the Reign of Terror, and this feels apt this week. I feel myself that it is time I live into my own truth, truly live and sing in colour. Not to please anyone, but to please myself. To shine brightly. To act honestly and with integrity. And in this production, that is exactly what we do–the closer we get to the truth, the brighter the colours become.