Beware the epiphany. Or better said: beware the assumption that the epiphany will of necessity be the immediate beginning of something new. Last week I described a breakthrough in my singing practice that was based in a personal, spiritual sort of breakthrough. I need constant reminders that the discovery of something elemental and important is simply that: a discovery. It is an event that stands alone and needs more input and practice to create new routines or habits. Sigh. Always with the work!!!
I didn’t practice much this past week for one reason and another. Honestly, I spent some time reviewing the video of the lesson in which I had the breakthrough moment. I remember how profound it felt inside at the time, and I was expecting something monumental to be evident in the outcome. There was a difference for sure, but once again, I found myself caught up in the desire to have ACHIEVED something, to have something to SHOW for it. Ridiculous!
So, back to the drawing board, if only in the sense that we are constantly creating, constantly growing and it’s never done (did I really think that?) with one simple occurrence. As earth-shaking as it might seem at the time, the moment is just that: a moment. And the real work begins After the Epiphany. So that’s what I plan to get down to next: the Work.