March 26, 2020
It’s my second week of isolation as the COVID-19 virus takes over the world. Nothing is the same as it was. I’ve found solace in connecting with others (virtually, of course), and (perhaps like you?) have found myself reaching out to folks I haven’t spoken with or seen for some time. It seems that what is important has been put into relief; all at once we are made aware of things we took for granted before. Hugs. Community. Access to art, music, museums. Friends. The sound of a familiar voice.
At first I didn’t really want to sing at all. I couldn’t bear the routine of it, for one (the seeming “drudgery” of practice). But there was also the seeming futility of it. What good would it do anyone? And besides, I had no desire to investigate much beneath the surface. But this week, I began. First with 20 minutes, then with half an hour, and today, two sessions of 10 and then 30 minutes. I want to do this simple work in order to connect with myself and to remind myself of the really hard and scary work that our doctors, nurses, grocery-store cashiers and pharmacists who are putting themselves in harm’s way every day to keep us fed and safe. And singing is healing. And connecting.
I’m reminded of the power of singing to make connection every time I have an online lesson with a student and we make sound together, vibrating with our beings across the cyber universe. Maybe we’ll discover in all this madness just how connected we all are.