Barber Studio grad Sarah Stapleton is currently featured on the Laurier website.

EXCERPT: “Striking a Chord with Teaching, Learning and Research Skills

Photo credit: Kaela Bosch Captures.

Hitting the wrong note – literally or figuratively – can cause tension, frustration and feelings of defeat in the person experiencing the perceived failure.

Entering into her first year in the Faculty of Music at Wilfrid Laurier University in 2017, Sarah Stapleton’s (BMus ’21) goals were to hit all high notes perfectly, avoid vocal tension and to be technically accurate in all of her performances without fail. This year, Stapleton completed her final program requirements, as well as a self-initiated capstone concert entitled the “Imperfection Collection.”

“Perfection isn’t real,” says Stapleton. “There is no end point with singing – no answer to the problem. This realization allows for a life of constant growing and learning.”

That is not to suggest that Stapleton’s student experience was anything short of successful…”